Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a multi-level, evidence-based prevention framework that provides various levels of support for academic, social, emotional, and behavioral development for all students. Through the process, students are given access to inclusive and equitable activities.
The framework uses data at its core to differentiate instruction and begin interventions for students who need support. Students in interventions are progress monitored to decide next steps in the intervention as well. MTSS also supports school staff through professional development and collaboration.
Tier 1 (Level 1) includes staff using student data and observations to purposefully plan and instruct differentiated core instruction for all academics as well as social and emotional learning. The differentiation includes support for students who may struggle as well as for students who may need enrichment, including our advanced learners.
Tier 2 (Level 2) is when students typically receive small group instruction on top of their tier 1 support in academic or social/emotional learning. The instruction is evidenced-based (i.e. PRESS, GROVES, Developing Number Concepts, Do the Math, etc) and is called an intervention. The intervention lasts for a minimum of 6-8 weeks. Students who may need this instruction are identified after our screening periods (three times a year) and schedules are created with classroom teachers, interventionists, and the MTSS TOSA (teacher on special assignment).
Tier 3 (Level 3) is intensive and individualized interventions for students. Students who are participating in the previous tiers but are struggling to make expected growth are brought to our problem-solving team (PST) which includes the MTSS TOSA, a SPED teacher, school psychologist, administration, social worker, classroom teacher, and interventionist. The team discusses how to support the student with an individualized plan for intensive instruction. Then, the plan is enacted for 6-8 weeks and progress is monitored. We then meet as a team again to see how to support the student with next steps.
Another aspect to the framework is team processes, which focus on staff meeting regularly to analyze data for next steps for student success. Data protocols are enacted to inform instruction and decide next steps for students and classrooms as a whole, such as classwide interventions.
Below is a graphic Minneapolis Public School uses to explain the framework further. If you have any questions about MTSS at NSJ, please reach out to Laura Justin, MTSS TOSA, at